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Syndie Archive set up?
Posted: 07 Nov 2018 08:31
by tiny
Hi i2p. I've recently discovered Syndie and I love it. GUI is user friendly and it all seems to be working great, no complaints here.
I love the decentralization bit, better that eepsites. I'd like to move my activity to Syndie exclusively.
So in return I'd like to set up an archive for anyone to connect with. How would I do that?
Another question: In the "syndicate" tab I see "configure http server". What is the purpose of that and what happens when people connect to it? I am still learning a lot so expect more questions lol.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Re: Syndie Archive set up?
Posted: 07 Nov 2018 10:31
by echelon
In general terms: just setup the http server of syndie, and it acts as a server.
You need to setup a I2P hidden service to it, if you want I2P users access it via I2P, or just open that port in local firewall and other may reach it via clearnet.
The http server is the server instance sending out the messages of syndie. If other user connect to it, it is checked which messages are new for the user (timeframe and size limitable in config), and those messages are exchanged.
Syndie Docs on:
Re: Syndie Archive set up?
Posted: 07 Nov 2018 12:32
by tiny
Thanks echelon for your quick reply.
In general terms: just setup the http server of syndie, and it acts as a server.
You need to setup a I2P hidden service to it, if you want I2P users access it via I2P
i2p exclusively, that's the plan
So 2 new questions lol. First do I need to set up a different service for that or can I use my existing site/service and after that is done do I need to configure a new archive using the "add archive" tab?
Going to check the docs now, thanks.
EDIT: Can't really find in the link you provided HOW to exactly set things up so any help???????? Server is now running with default port. So that's a start.
Re: Syndie Archive set up?
Posted: 07 Nov 2018 21:31
by echelon
great. You can create a new hidden service, or use a existent one and change the port and destination IP as you like it.
If syndie server runs on default port, you can try access it with a browser on that IP:port. It should show some syndie stuff
Now open the I2P router console, go to /i2ptunnelmgr and create a new "http" hidden service (or edit a existent one).
Try to enter the name and at least the port (of the syndie server), you can also change the name of the keyfile.
If you feel like it, you can edit the limit values and other extended values, usually not needed for first start.
Create the tunnel with save and backup the keyfile. Without keyfile, the address is gone and you need to create a new name/address and tell others.
On /i2ptunnelmgr you should see the service listed now, as you named it. Under the preview button you can get the b32 address of this service. Which which other can reach your hidden service.
But test it first on your own system (aka enter the b32 into your browser and see if you get the same view as if you enter the IP:port of syndie )
Re: Syndie Archive set up?
Posted: 08 Nov 2018 08:00
by tiny
Now that was crystal clear! Thanks.
So, everything works. Created a new service, is accessible through my browser, changed the port to problems there.
One last hitch. When I try to add the archive to Syndie and want to sync it I get: "Fetch error: Archive must be proxied." What to do about that?
Archive b32:
http://nvolgdj333esokdlf6z4cdm4xegfrw6t ... a.b32.i2p/
EDIT: after removing from Syndie and add again i get: Fetch error: unable to fetch-bad URL.
Sorry for all the questions man but I really want this to work
Thanks for your patience and time, much appreciated.
Re: Syndie Archive set up?
Posted: 08 Nov 2018 13:09
by tiny
Alright. I managed to get an archive up and it is syncing and fetching. Thing is it works on the default port 8080. worked right off the bat.
Yet, when I try to set up just for i2p following the exact examples of others I get all sorts of errors: Connection refused, bad URL, must be proxied and even a protocol error. I really really want one for i2p as well (learning AND helping the network especially Syndie).
I've been cracking my brain as to what I'm doing wrong but can't figure it out.........
Re: Syndie Archive set up?
Posted: 08 Nov 2018 18:08
by echelon
Somehow you setup a wrong protocol.
Did you setup a http server typ hidden service?
And entered the correct IP:port of the syndie server?
Re: Syndie Archive set up?
Posted: 09 Nov 2018 06:40
by tiny
Yes. Http as per your instuction.
Port the same as the server. Tried standard as well.
Doing another set up shortly.
EDIT: Nope, same errors.........default port works fine, 4444 gives me the errors.
EDIT2: Never mind got 2 up and running, was being stupid in the set up
All is working fine. How do I tell others about the archives?
Re: Syndie Archive set up?
Posted: 09 Nov 2018 09:15
by echelon
Oh, ok, 4444 is the default http proxy port for the brwoser, only to be used in browser config. sorry, did missed that information.
You can handout the b32 address via syndie, email, forum, IRC.
also you can register a petname on stats.i2p with the b64 address (found in hidden service config) and hand out that petname.
Re: Syndie Archive set up?
Posted: 09 Nov 2018 09:35
by tiny
Will do. Thanks for all your help
If I can ever return the favor, let me know.