Is it necessary to use a tracker to make a functional I2P torrent?
Apology my ignorance, but maybe the torrent system has some differences in I2P.
Can I create a I2PSnark torrent and make it work without using a tracker? Would it work?
Thank you!
Is it necessary to use a tracker?
Re: Is it necessary to use a tracker?
I2P torrents with i2psnark do work trackerless, to.
I2P torrents with i2psnark do work trackerless, to.
Re: Is it necessary to use a tracker?
I2PSnark has a DHT implementation which allows for torrents to work without a tracker defined. Any clients trying to download/seed the torrent would need to have DHT peers in order for this to work, e.g. through downloading a popular torrent like http://tracker2.postman.i2p/details.php ... %c2Y%a8yGt this one, i2pupdate-0.9.37.su3