Maybe it would be helpful if I also mentioned that this is in debian package when using apt to update. ;-(
Search found 8 matches
- 02 Jul 2023 12:57
- Forum: Router
- Topic: i2prouter renamed in 2.3.0?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 37859
- 02 Jul 2023 12:54
- Forum: Router
- Topic: i2prouter renamed in 2.3.0?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 37859
i2prouter renamed in 2.3.0?
When I start i2prouter I use the i2prouter restart option to make sure that the process is shutdown before it gets started. With the 2.3.0 release I get ... $ i2prouter restart bash: /usr/bin/i2prouter: No such file or directory It seems the binary file was renamed from /usr/bin/i2prouter to become ...
- 16 Mar 2023 19:03
- Forum: Misc
- Topic: zzz and the state of i2p Java router development
- Replies: 20
- Views: 31555
Re: zzz and the state of i2p Java router development
I have a fairly good understanding why ZZZ left. Pretty saddened by it, but I can understand why. He was a very talented and chill individual, but sadly he had to leave I suppose. Not wanting to pry, just concerned by how out of character this seems. Still concerned that key members of the project ...
- 16 Mar 2023 17:33
- Forum: Misc
- Topic: zzz and the state of i2p Java router development
- Replies: 20
- Views: 31555
zzz and the state of i2p Java router development
My apologies if this seems unduly alarmist but I have to admit to a growing sense of concern regarding the state of Java development in i2p. According to the news update for the 2.2.0 release in the router console the Java i2p team and the i2p community have suddenly lost zzz. This is not only tragi...
- 11 Nov 2019 23:36
- Forum: MuWire
- Topic: Troubleshooting Linux
- Replies: 4
- Views: 20538
Re: Troubleshooting Linux
Thanks for the quick reply and all the work on an interesting program. Had to install the jdk. Got the following error with - unpack200 MuWire-0.6.2.jar.pack MuWire-0.6.2.jar "Warning: The unpack200 tool is deprecated, and is planned for removal in a future JDK release." java -jar MuWire-0...
- 11 Nov 2019 17:52
- Forum: MuWire
- Topic: Troubleshooting Linux
- Replies: 4
- Views: 20538
Re: Troubleshooting Linux
Looking for suggestions on getting MuWire to successfully launch on Debian Buster (10.1) MuWire was launching fine up to and including 0.5.5 when it was loading from the terminal using "java". However since 0.5.6 it has been buggy. Version 0.5.7 was launching but threw up errors. Since the...
- 23 Sep 2018 19:45
- Forum: I2PSnark
- Topic: Snark choking itself
- Replies: 1
- Views: 19579
Snark choking itself
I am having troubles with Snark limiting itself. Often when starting i2prouter and then starting Snark there will be a notice in the log pane at the top of Snark with a line "Up bandwidth limit is 25 KBps." I used to be able to restart with all other applications that use the network shuto...
- 15 Aug 2018 18:16
- Forum: Forum Issues
- Topic: Use *@mail.i2p email addresses
- Replies: 5
- Views: 30152
Re: Use *@mail.i2p email addresses
Could you guys make it so people can register for this forum using their mail.i2p addresses? It would prevent data leakage to the clearnet every time someone registers. echelon has already responded that the way mail is routed in susimail is not affected by which email address you use. You can use ...